Friday, November 13, 2015

How NOT to Stage a Protest

Re events at Missouri University:

Things to do (by an expert):

1.) DOCUMENT in advance your grievances, with facts, photos, and specifics. Have press release handouts and emails ready.  Everything should be in place-- so you DON'T have to scramble for evidence once the protest's already underway.

2.) Make sure your hunger striker DOESN'T have a rich daddy. If dad makes $8 million a year, it hurts your credibility. Especially when you rail against privilege, people won't take you seriously.

3.) Encircle your encampment with engaged activists, NOT with casual students who have empty bovine expressions on their faces (see the videos) which makes them look as if they're being manipulated by their teachers.

4.) Make sure the teachers/leaders are articulate spokespersons and NOT wacked-out nutcases.

5.) DON'T ask for someone to lose their job, at least not immediately. This smacks of McCarthyite witch hunts.

6.) Look for allies among those with credibility. Students at community colleges, say-- NOT at elitist schools like Brown and Yale, whose attendees are among the most privileged individuals in the country.

7.) DON'T throw out the media! You want them on your side.

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